General terms and conditions of Linguschool

  1. The booked courses are personal and cannot be transferred. Nobody except the enroled student may attend the booked courses and classes.
  2. Once the payment have been received the student gets access to the virtual campus and the classes per video conference may start on an agreed date. E
  3. The classes are individual or in mini groups (2-4 participants). As there must be a minimum of 2 students in the group modality, Linguschool reserves its right to combine existing classes or change the conditions to private classes if there is only one student left. Any changes will be made in close communication with the affected students to solve the situation.
  4. The weekly video conference classes last 30, 45 or 60 minutes (depending on the chosen plan) at previously agreed times.
  5. Linguschool reserves its right to change the timetable of the classes and the assigned teacher.
  6. If the student is unable to attend a private class, he/she needs to notofy Linguschool min. 24 hours before in order to change the schedule. The change will be accepted if it’s feasible and within the same month. Otherwise, the class will be lost. Groupclasses cannot be cancelled.

School days, holidays and vacation

  1. Generally, there will not be any classes during Easter break, August and Christmas break, as well as all national holidays (Spain).
  2. As Linguschool offers flexible timetables, classes may be taught on holidays (upon request).
  3. The virtual campus will be available 24/7/365 (except during maintenance tasks).


  1. The courses will be paid via PayPal (, Bizum or bank transfer (check with us).
  2. No enrolment fee.
  3. Payment must be made before the course starts. Repetitive payments must be made within 5 days before the following month/trimestre begins. In case of no/belated payment, Linguschool deactivate the access to the virtual campus and suspend the online classes until the respective payment has been received.
  4. Payments are made on a monthly basis or, if you wish to obtain a little discount, per trimestres (check current offers).
  5. The price includes access to the virtual campus, all the course materils and the booked classes.
  6. The price does not include exam fees for official tests (Cambridge, Trinity, Aptis…).

Cancellations and refunds

  1. The student may ask for a termporal leave with a 7 days notice in order not to loose the progress in the virtual campus. During the termporal leave the access to the materials is suspended, but will be maintain for maximum of 3 months until the student’s reincorporation.
  2. The classes scheduled on holidays are generally not subject to rescheduling or refund.
  3. The unattendence of students without previous notice as mentioned above does not give right to class recovery.
  4. Linguschool may change the teachers if deemed necessary.
  5. Once the monthly fee has been paid it cannot be returned for reasons beyond our scope.


  1. The courses of Linguschool do not lead to any officially recognised title or certificate. However, we can help you to obtain such certifications and provide you with all the needed information.
  2. Once finishing the complete course, Linguschool may issue a diploma.
  3. In Linguschool’s courses the exam fees for official examinations are NOT included.