In all honesty, how much time do you spend in front of the computer every day? And well, how often does the screen saver pop up? We have a fantastic language learning hack for computer users like you: personalise your screen savers so all relevant learning content pops up!
This way you can always use spare moments to review stuff in your target language, smoothly appearing in the background of your desk!
And how can you quickly and easily create such screen savers?
Screen savers (e.g. under WIndows) can display images from a certain folder, so you just have to create such images. Use tools like PowerPoint, Google slides or Google Jamboard to create content full of text and pictures and save them as image files!
We have prepared a sample jamboard to inspire you. Check it out here!
Make it a habit to create a new “learning” slide for your screen saver every week. Don’t include too much information, just enough to grasp with a glimpse or two, and keep it visual and attractive. Wanna share some with us? Wonderful!
Oh, and by the way… it doesn’t have to be a screen saver only. You can open and check your board at any moment during the day!